Monday, November 16, 2009

What's wrong with me?

I always try and be as friendly and generous as possible to everyone around me and they say that I am really nice and generous, but I spend a lot of my time depressed and when like this I just have a feeling that nothing will ever make me happy again. I then spend a lot of time feeling inifferent and then occasionally (literally once every two months if Im lucky) Ill feel ridiculously happy and feeling like nothing will ever put me down. This usualy last a few minutes max. I have several times considered suicide and take a strange pleasure in causing pain to myself. I often find I starve myself for no reason despite being underweight and often try and stab my hand or arm with sharp objects. A few times I have punched myself in the face hard or headbutted a table or wall and taken unusual pleasure from the feeling, and fantasise more about violence than anything else. Lots more stuff too,I am a complete nut case, but right now I am interested in a diagnosis for the psycho in me.

What's wrong with me?
Borderline Syndrome.
Reply:Please go to your local mental health agency or call their 24 hour help line or Careline. You need to speak to a mental health professional who can determine your diagnoses and refer you to proper care in your community.
Reply:This isn't really a very good place to get diagnosed. In another question you say that you're 16, and it sounds like you're British. Sooooo...ask your parents to schedule you an appointment with a psychiatrist and get a legitimate diagnosis, and some help dealing with your situation. If my child were as concerned about their mental state as you seem to be, I would want to know, and I'd do anything possible to try to help them. Give your parents a chance to help you with this. A borderline personality disorder is a serious diagnosis, and it might be frightening to confront that without some help. No one on YA's knows you, nor are we qualified to diagnose you. Please go see a professional. Good luck.
Reply:Are you bi-Polar?

Look, If you feel like your life is meaningless, and disrespect yourself so much, I would recommend that you not pay so much attention to yourself. Go to a homeless shelter, or volunteer somewhere, get a good job, something to concentrate on during spare time....then treat yourself, worked for me.
Reply:Your a nut-job need to get a hobby or something quit thinking about stuff like that too much

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