Monday, November 16, 2009

Is this a weird conversation?

bluelighting_ca: hey it's me brad

stephanie perez: 'ello loser

bluelighting_ca: he don't call me loser kay cupcake

stephanie perez: quit calling me cupcake and we got ourselves a deal

bluelighting_ca: ok

bluelighting_ca: so r u really going ot kick me in the nuts if u get a chance?

stephanie perez: yupp

bluelighting_ca: i can't wait haha

stephanie perez: your seriously seriously weird

bluelighting_ca: that would be funny to get blasted in the balls by you

stephanie perez: seriously

bluelighting_ca: why do u say that

bluelighting_ca: yr hot by the way

bluelighting_ca: so how come u have being bugging me

bluelighting_ca: u said u hated my answers

stephanie perez: yea i did..u are really mean

bluelighting_ca: i love being mean, it's funny

stephanie perez: watever

bluelighting_ca: i want to piss off some girl to the pint that she kicks me, wanna she what it feels like to get nailed by a girl

stephanie perez: i would love to be that girl

bluelighting_ca: r4eally, can you kick hard, i would hope u wouldn't hold back

stephanie perez: i wouldnt

bluelighting_ca: aand be lots of fun if u used hard shoes

stephanie perez: ill use clets just for u

bluelighting_ca: hey have u kicked a guy before

bluelighting_ca: that might really hurt haha

stephanie perez: your weird..

stephanie perez: u must really not want children

bluelighting_ca: could make u a bet that i can take what ever you can kick for an hour and if i beg u to quit u get a lot of money

stephanie perez: lol..seriously..ur weird

bluelighting_ca: course i want kids!! why do u say that

bluelighting_ca: hey u said i am wierd again

bluelighting_ca: ok well i guess us guys aren't suppose to want that but i do at least once

stephanie perez: well u really want someone to kick u in the nads..and if someone did that then u might not be able to have kida

stephanie perez: kids*\

bluelighting_ca: i would be ok taking the chance, anyways not sure a girl can kick that hard

stephanie perez: i can

bluelighting_ca: can u really, now i wanna find out

stephanie perez: too bad

bluelighting_ca: why to bad

stephanie perez: cuz i dont know u..but i would love to kick u in the nads

bluelighting_ca: ne fun to see how hard u can really kick, i know i might be sorry but still it be fun

bluelighting_ca: haha

stephanie perez: do u have a life?

bluelighting_ca: were u from anyways from the states

stephanie perez: yea

bluelighting_ca: not much of a life, i think all day about getting kicked in the balls by a girl

bluelighting_ca: i am from canada

bluelighting_ca: western canada

stephanie perez: might explain a few things

bluelighting_ca: lol, what does that mean

stephanie perez: that since ur canadian..u are born weird

bluelighting_ca: we are more normal that americans are

stephanie perez: lier!

bluelighting_ca: it is true the only thing you have that we don't is hot babes

bluelighting_ca: there isn't anything hotter than an american girl just noting

stephanie perez: lol..seriously..ur weird

bluelighting_ca: maybe wierd is good

stephanie perez: in your

bluelighting_ca: now don't guys ever ask you to kick them in the nads

bluelighting_ca: hey you gotta stop calling me wierd

stephanie perez: maybe i would..if it werent true

bluelighting_ca: what isn't true, oh i get yeah

stephanie perez: right

bluelighting_ca: well then that makes it even better for you to kick me

bluelighting_ca: but hey if i dropped to the ground would u let me kiss your foot/shoe

stephanie perez: like i have been saying..ur weird..and u know wat..i would let u kiss my foot/shoe

bluelighting_ca: that would be fun to kiss your foot if i was on the ground holding myself

bluelighting_ca: have u ever seen a guy get kicked before

stephanie perez: yup..i was the one kicking..

bluelighting_ca: really, did he like it and di he drop

stephanie perez: yes he dropped and no he didnt like it

stephanie perez: he cant have kids not

stephanie perez: now*

bluelighting_ca: u must have nailed him lucky guy, what did he do to get u to kick him...

bluelighting_ca: u must ahve been wearing hard shoes for him to not be able to have kids

stephanie perez: he called me a slut and tried touching me

bluelighting_ca: i would luv to do that but have trouble touching someone unless they are ok with it

stephanie perez: ur a dork

bluelighting_ca: hah

bluelighting_ca: hey u called me a dork again

bluelighting_ca: did he try that again with u

stephanie perez: no..and yea i called u a dork..are u going to do something about it?

bluelighting_ca: god what i would do to have traded places with him

bluelighting_ca: cupcake

bluelighting_ca: bite yr *** if i could

stephanie perez: *shakes her *** in front of u* lala

bluelighting_ca: grrrr i am getting pissed at u

bluelighting_ca: to bad i don't live where u are we culd settle this with yr feets

stephanie perez: y?

bluelighting_ca: cause i want to say that haha, course i aint pissed at u just sounded good

stephanie perez: there are only two things in my life that i regret right now

bluelighting_ca: what is that?

stephanie perez: complaining about ur answer..and telling u to IM me

bluelighting_ca: haha

bluelighting_ca: u are so god at this u are killing me

bluelighting_ca: good

bluelighting_ca: maye a goddess to

stephanie perez: wat?

bluelighting_ca: yeah maybe u is a goddess, if u look half as good as yur avator then u are

bluelighting_ca: u r smart too

stephanie perez: your seriously weird..okay..if i told u im a fat 189 pd 16 yr old..would u leave me alone?

bluelighting_ca: no, not shallow

Is this a weird conversation?
That conversation means that she is a proud sex offender, and that he is a fetish freak.

About the “ballbusting” fetish:

Just one example between many,

Have you ever heard about people that cut themselves, especially in the harms and legs and belly?

The great majority of them are women, young women.

It is their body alright but they are sick and must be helped, do you really think that is normal?!.

And how about if someone would take advantage of them by cutting them?, that would be even more serious.

SEX ADDICT(This affects many women, abuse in childhood):

1.Those struggling with a Psychological type addiction are most often survivors of some kind of abuse. In fact, 90% are emotionally, 80% sexually, and 70% physically abused. This type of addict is characterized by "a soul in pain" who has chosen sex as a way to "medicate" this pain. Acting-out sexually becomes an escape from the painful reality of daily life. Similarly, Trauma-based addiction lies in the compulsion to repeat the ordeal of the sexual abuse incurred in an attempt to gain control over the injury and recreate or undo the injury through pleasure. Neither the Psychological or Trauma-based addicts are responsible for the neglect and abuse they've endured-they are, however, the only one who can take the responsibility for their healing.

2.THE TRAUMA BASED ADDICT - This person was sexually abused and the soul gets anchored to the abuse. The trauma based addict repeats the offence over and over. If he was homosexually abused he will act out with homosexual sex even if that is not something he would want to do. If he was abused by an older woman, later in life he may find himself confused as to why he is attracted to women much older than himself. He repeats the trauma bond. The trauma and the acting out are parallel to each other like a distorted mirror image.



Some facts about testicle trauma:

-It may cause the victim to throw up.

-It may cause the victim to passout.

-Scar tissue.

-It may cause “testicular torsion”, by initiating a muscle spasm; this is rare but is a medical emergency, testicular torsion may not happen immediately after the trauma.

-Testicles move freely and are slippery to avoid trauma, but if the trauma sustained by the testicle is hard enough (50Kg), the testicle will POP(rupture), and then probably must be removed. This is rare, and usually is associated with sport injuries when not wearing a cup. Even when can be repaired, the resulting inflammation will turn most of the contents into permanent damaged material.

-Even a medium force trauma will cause the destruction of spermatozoa-production cells. It will not cause sterility because those cells are in massive quantities, however those cells do not regenerate, it is permanent damage. And if hit many times or too hard, it may cause infertility, because the sperm count/mobility must be acceptable in order to get a woman pregnant by natural means.

-Will also reduce spermatozoa production as a result of hormonal changes, one of those changes is testosterone reduction.

-Erection problems.

-May damage the epididymis, and that is critical, because sperm must be stored there to gain mobility to be able to swim.

-May rupture major blood vessels, and draining the scrotum will be needed. Or microscopic veins inside the testicles, this will permanently destroy cells indirectly.

-In case of very hard trauma, the testicle/s can swell for more than a weak, with resulting excruciating pain and severe damage from prolonged heavy inflammation. The swelling it is similar to mumps, but in the case of mumps it will cause sterility for sure, and the testicles(usually just one) will shrink too, very sad and scary.

-In some cases may cause the antibodies to start attacking the person own sperm.

-It may even cause death as result of PAIN, heart will fail right away or will begin to fail(heart beat will became fast and irregular, usually face and lips very white) until finally stops, this is called “neurogenic shock”, and it is not that rare like people think, most of the times the victim is saved because gets medical attention on time, it will need shocks to the heart using the defibrillator!.

-Among other symptoms, the victim will feel shock/panic/confusion/anger, violated/abused, embarrassment/humiliation; those feelings will be stronger if young; especially if they do not know or never heard about “kicking in the groin”, and most especially and without comparison if done by the opposite sex. If it was an accident will only hurt physically and maybe embarrassment; but if done by a girl you will feel violated, sexually abused, extremely offended, humiliated, etc.

The victim may seem ok, but will try to hide those feelings. It depends on the person and from the situation. This will lead to Post-Traumatic Stress, the worse symptoms may only reveal a year later! People forget about emotional trauma, but it is the worse, and will not go away like the physical suffering. All men that “like” the fetish called “ballbusting”, have some kind of mental or emotional disorder; and the most common cause for that is because it happened to them in the past, they are psychologically very ill, it may change their life’s completely. The emotional trauma of being assaulted in such a private area, or the physical suffering, or the fact that it is a barbaric act, should be more than enough for girls not to do that; but the sad truth is that the only thing that make some(not all for sure) girls think twice before doing that is the permanent physical damage. It is a form of rape, male rape.

-Physical violence it is only acceptable if you are trying to defend/escape yourself from someone that is trying to use physical violence on you, and you may only use the necessary violence to ESCAPE harm, escape not to seek revenge. And kicking someone in the groin is only “acceptable” if someone is trying to kill you, or rape you(only EMERGENCIES, only EXTREME cases of self-defense), not because you are pissed off, and most certainly not for fun like it is most of the times, keep it a fantasy(why you girls don’t tell your Dads what you did, I am sure they will be PROUD of you).

-Ironically, if someone is trying to kill you or rape you, probably is expecting that defense from you, and so you will not be able to kick him.

You also have the right to use that defense if you are attacked by a STRANGER, and NO ONE ELSE IS AROUND, you never know his intentions. But you have no right to use that defense if you are attacked by a stranger or not, in a place where are other people around, like in school, or at home with your family, or in a bar, etc.

-This is becoming too popular, specially in schools, girls get sexually aroused by that!. Women look sweet, but…….they are very mean and cruel by nature, they just try to hide it, it is very sad. Lucky for women men are not very vindictive like women are, and men are not very aggressive towards women like women are towards men, in fact men are very protective towards women. Men do not even hit back after getting kicked in the privates. Men like to see and touch women sexual organs, they do not like to hurt them or to see it happen to women. Women are so much sensitive about their sexual organs and sexuality, but then do that to men and laugh! Laughing at someone that is hit there, will only increase the suffering, and will show that you are very mean and cruel, at least try to keep it to yourself. And women claim they are more sensible than men and non violent, yeah right. If you still think is funny, then you don’t deserve to be loved by any man, and don’t deserve a family.

-And nothing happens to those sex offenders because they are women, just one of many double standards and laws that always treat men worse!

It is something very serious AND very common. That is why it should be recognised as a public health(physical and mental) issue, and therefore should be strong laws to fight that epidemic serious phenomenon.

It is not recognised yet, so I think that if a boy is kicked in the balls he should beat up the girl(a kick in the balls is much worse in many ways), that way the girl will not do it again, and the other girls will be scared too, it is the only way to stop them!

“women justice” is sick, how about if it was the other way around?!!!!!!!

Girls answers regarding this issue are always disgusting!
Reply:he wants your foot to touch his wiener

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