Sunday, May 16, 2010

How to handle your work and boss when you're pregnant?

I'm 6 weeks pregnant.Im lucky enough to work in an office, I do realize that. Although its hard to stay awake sometimes. Its tough being so tired all the time, and the morning sickness is just now hitting me, so I spend a lot of my time in the bathroom. It's hard to focus. But I drag myself in here everyday. If I miss any work I'll get fired. My boss is a total nut case, shes bipolar or something. She has very bad moodswings, and ever since she found out I was preg. shes been picking at everything I do and has been very rude to me, it makes it even harder. The time I dont spend in the bathroom puking I spend crying because of something she's said to me. I realize its the hormornes and I try to control it but its hard to do. I feel like she hates me now and is trying to drive me to quit. (our receptionist just quit today, kinda the same reason I guess theres no direct answer to my question, I'd just like to see how other people handled it. And any advice u may have for me.

How to handle your work and boss when you're pregnant?
Just hang in there or talk to her Superior! Life will get better and congrats!
Reply:well quit or report her to her manager if she trats you unfair
Reply:If she is going to treat you unfairly then go to the boss above her and report her. It is illegal to fire someone for missing a day of work, and it is also illegal to treat people unfairly just because they are pregnant so stand up for yourself.

Have you ever interfered with your ex's right to see his kids? Why?

I keep hearing that such a high percentage of men are denied the right to see their children. I am not saying that doesn't happen, I just don't get it. I am lucky, I have a great ex (an oxymoron, I know). He is a great father and has been vital in raising/guiding our kids (I am the custodial parent). Of all my divorced friends, I only know one who has interferred with visitation. But she's a nut and was before he married her and had a child. I know no other women who have done this, and I have a lot of divorced friends.

And, under what circumstances is it ever justified to interfere with a parent's visitation?

Have you ever interfered with your ex's right to see his kids? Why?
I would never interfere with my ex seeing his son. They have a great time together and even though I don't agree with everything he does, as long as its not hurtful to my child, I stay out of it. My older child used to live with my mother and she actually interfered with my seeing him. She was (and still is) extremely controlling and I believe that was her motivation. I don't believe she was trying to hurt me, but she truly thinks that because my son lived with her, that she had the right to dictate EVERYTHING. For example, if I told her I had a boyfriend, she would forbid visitation because she didn't know and approve of the guy, which of course wasn't within her rights. I must say that I think a lot of men say they are denied visitation as an excuse. My aforementioned ex was not involved in our son's life for the first 5 years. There was no child support and I didn't know where he was or how to contact him. Now that he's back in touch, I've found out that he told people I wouldn't let him see his son and he tells me that his girlfriend at the time wouldn't let him contact us. I ignore all of this because it is irrelevant to his current relationship to my child, but it does give some insight into how some men will avoid responsibility.
Reply:Legally divorced parents with a court ruling on the custody of the kids and visiting rights should not be interfered with. In certain situations the court may prevent a parent from visiting rights such as mentally unstable person, violent and agressive behaviour, indifferent parent ar any other relevent reason. If problems arise after a legal divorce and visiting rights fixed, a fresh approach may be made to the courts for modification of the rights. Child abuse/sexual abuse is one of the main reasons for such denial.

Otherwise for the sake of the children, visits by the other parent should be allowed.
Reply:IMHO, the only justification for interferring with a parent's visitation rights, is if the parent is a danger to the child (physically OR mentally). And only the courts can determine that.
Reply:Never, but he just stopped coming. Broke my daughter's heart.

If you have reason to believe a non-custodial parent might flee with your child, you are bound to interfere--but you have to do it legally, not by playing games.
Reply:It is never, ever justified to interfere with a parent's visitation unless the child is in danger. Simple as.

And alot of jealous ex-girlfriends/wives tend to deny access just to spite their former partners, and vice-versa. This can really damage the kids as they grow. If they have both a mother and a father they can easily see and who will love them, then they should.

Glad to hear you get on with your ex and your situation is fine though! That's how adults should act, unfortunately alot of adults these days act like children.
Reply:My used to date a guy with a baby. His ex was a meth user so I encouraged him to get monitored visits. After he had to go to the hospital for eating cigarettes he started to believe me. Other than something like that, I think that's messed up. Either way it's his/her kid too and the kids father/mother.

What’s Wrong with America?

What’s Wrong with America?

I sure hope you like C-SPAN, reruns, and reality shows, because if we the Hollywood proletariat have our way, every writer in town is going on strike, perhaps as soon as this Thursday. If you ask me, it’s not a moment too soon.

Technically, we’re striking against the producers, the studios, and the networks — the Alliance of Motion Picture %26amp; Television Producers — who have been trying to screw us out of our fair share of VHS and DVD residuals for years, and whose initial offer was to screw us even harder. With a brave new world of iPhone technology on its way, we want to make sure we don’t get fooled again.

But everyone knows we’re really striking against you, the ungrateful, reactionary, and probably crypto-fascist audience. You’ve let us all down by not going to see our movies.

The Kingdom? A disappointment at $46 million. Rendition? A huge antiwar belly flop for Reese Witherspoon, Meryl Streep, and the guy from Brokeback Mountain playing in 2,250 theaters that hasn’t yet managed $8 million. Elizabeth: The Golden Age? The Catholic-bashing costume party with Cate Blanchett in high dudgeon and higher drag is a flopola at $14 million. In the Valley of Elah, from scribe du jour Paul Haggis? It’ll be lucky to make $7 million. At this rate, you probably won’t even go to see Brian De Palma’s Redacted.

Frankly, we’re tired of throwing our pearls before you swine. So we’re firing you.

I mean, come on: the fourth installment of a torture-porn series, a Steve Carell laugher, a vampire movie set in Alaska and a comedy aimed at the, ahem, “urban audience” are opening up cans of cinematic whup-*** on the finest, most passionate anti-American movies our smartest, snarkiest Harvard grads can think up. And Lions for Lambs hasn’t even opened yet! Heck, The Rock’s family-values comedy The Game Plan has made $77 million, more than all the antiwar movies put together.

It’s so sad: Here we were, on a roll, with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in command of Congress, the Clinton Restoration practically a fait accompli, and Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize to use as a doorstop alongside his Oscar — and this is the thanks we get.

Well, I just don’t get it. It’s not like our patriotism is questionable or anything. Like Bonosera the undertaker in The Godfather, we love U.S.-America, we believe in U.S.-America, just not U.S.-America the way she is now: a racist, sexist, homophobic bastion of white male privilege, built on the backs of Africans and Native Americans and exploited immigrants, seeking to export its murderous rage to the Middle East and beyond. And all right-thinking people — by which I mean “left-thinking” people, of course — agree with us. You certainly won’t get any argument on the west side of Los Angeles, and wherever I travel in this great land of ours — to places as diverse as San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, and the Upper West Side — it’s unanimous. America stinks!

So we want to change this country into something new and beautiful and socialist, a liberated America in which we middle-class Hollywood people (for so we like to think of ourselves; we’re not really rich) can live safely in our patrolled communities and send our kids to private schools while making sure your tax money goes to pacify the howling mob beyond the gates. An America, in other words, that looks more like South America or South Africa than Bedford Falls, condemned to eternal punishment for its moral turpitude. Who could possibly object to that?

Another reason we’re striking is that there’s just too much competition these days from journalists. Who does this clown Scott Thomas Beauchamp think he is, pitching anti-war movies in the guise of writing a “Baghdad Diary” for The New Republic? He might have fooled his editors into thinking he was doing straight reporting, but anyone who lives within 50 miles of the intersection of Fairfax and Melrose can smell a scenario when he steps in it. It’s hard enough to make your bones and get into the Writers Guild of America, a closed-shop union that civilians can’t join, without worrying about a bunch of hacks making stuff up that makes America look bad and passing it off as truth in the hopes that some producer will come calling. That’s our job!

So as the days dwindle down to a precious few, it’s looking more and more like we’re going out. The studios have stockpiled all the bad scripts they can get their hands on, the writers’ rooms are going 24/7 to churn out enough episodes to get the networks through Festivus, and nobody’s taking any pitches until this thing is over.

It may be a while. Last Thursday, the producers have told us to forget about upgrading the DVD residuals, or any other residuals. For our part, the Guild membership has voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike — the last one was in 1988, and lasted five months — and all over town, people are consulting their accountants and business managers over how they’re going to make their $20,000 a month mortgage nut if they’re not working.

Both sides have called in a federal mediator when negotiations resume tomorrow. But unless this stooge of the Bush Administration waterboards us, it’s on to the picket lines at Paramount, ABC, and Warner Bros. We’re going to hit the AMPTP where it hurts, right in the pocketbook, and make ‘em remember that it all starts with the writer and if you think actors can invent stories and ad-lib dialogue, you’re a die-hard Robert Altman fan.

But, even more, we’re going to hit you where you live: on your sofas.

No more Letterman. No more Leno. No more Lost. No more great movies like Rendition to alert you to the evils of the Chimp-in-Chief and the Grand Vizier and their Illegal War in Iraq. The hell with you. We’ve knocked ourselves out for you, and this is how you repay us. Serves you right

What’s Wrong with America?
Too many brainwashed right-wing moonbats who are unable to think for yourselves, so you regurgitate the prefabricated fairy tales fed to you by the lunatic right-wing crackpot party and its propaganda mill.
Reply:Doesn't sound to me you believe in every person's worth and dignity like you copy and paste in so many of your answers.
Reply:The current administration holding The Executive Branch of Government.
Reply:I myself have wondered "What happened to the United in the United States of America? What ever happened to the days when Americans stood United as ONE and not DIVIDED.

I believe the United States of America has United in front of the States of America because it means to stand together. Americans stood UNITED gainst the British Empire during the American Revolution, Federalist and Anti-Federalist stood UNITED and wrote the Constitution of the United States of America, and Americans stood UNITED to rebuild the United States of America after the Civil War.

During the time of when my parents and grandparents were growing up, Americans were UNITED. Parents stood UNITED and took responsiblities to raising their children. Children were UNITED and respected their elders, and a man and a women were UNITED before marriage before they had children.

Today, America is not UNITED as we use to be. Parents are not always taking responsiblities of their children, not all children have respect for their eleders, and there are more boyfriend %26amp; girlfriend couples having children when they are not married in the United States of America.

Why is there no UNITED in the United States of America? I believe it is because of Liberalism. Liberalism is destroying the UNITED in the United States of America because it is based off lies. Because of Liberalism, America is divided on just about everything from who responsiblities to raise children to the saying "One Nation Under God."

The Founders of the United States of America were Christian Men and Women who stood UNITED under God. Today, while Conservatives stand UNITED under God and know America is "One Nation Under God," Liberals stand united under liberalism and know that America is "One Nation Under Liberalism."

I hope and pray that one day, the UNITED comes back to the United States of America. I hope that Americans can stand UNITED and realize that is it THEIR responibility to raise their children and not have pop culture raise their children. I hope that Americans can stand UNITED and support our Armed Forces all over the world and appreciate the hard work and sacrafices these Men and Women make for the United States of America. I hope that one day Americans will stand UNITED and have respect for the man or woman who is the President of the United States of America because this is the most challenging job in the history of the world. I hope that one day, children will be UNITED and respect their elders. This includes their parents, sibilings, their teachers, and elected officials and that children will look to these elders as an influence and guidance for successs. I hope that one day, both Republicans, Democrats, and Independents stand UNITED and know that America was founded by Christian Principles from the Men and Women who Founded the United States of America.

My hope for the future is that America can be a UNITED country and not a D I V I D E D Country. I pray that America is "One Nation Under God" and does not become "One Nation Under Liberalism."
Reply:Trust me. It's no big loss.
Reply:Does not matter to me as I dont go to movies or watch much television. What I do watch is usually documentaries.
Reply:I prefer reading anyway. Look at it as an opportunity for screen writers to become best selling authors. And set design people to design book and cd covers. Camera people can create beautiful coffee table books...etc

Quit whining!
Reply:Nice cut %26amp; paste, intellectual property theft is still theft and quite frankly if you knew squat about the subject, which even the pundit you ripped off doesn't, you'd know this is ridiculous tripe and there are reasons why the American public isn't into drama's about the failures of Conservatism at the moment, after idiotically vesting themselves in two terms of a business and now political failure all they really want to do is take off the old head and not think about it for awhile, afterall they are just coming to terms with the painful reality that not only were they wrong, they've been had and not just them thier childrens futures as well, so while you may think the author you robbed was witty you're both just flat out as wrong as hollywoods timing, had these come out oh say 4 years ago they may have made a difference, now they are just so much of what we already know and quite frankly it's too depressing to want to rehash at the moment


Do religious folks have a sense of humor??

The Christians, Muslims, Jews I meet seem intense. The Mormons and Jehovah's that come to the door are serious, intense. Happy -go- lucky folks suddenly become dangerous when the word "God" is mentioned. When I see the Jehovah's at the do-nut shop I say to them, "Are you happy?" They reply,"Yes"

I say," Then notify your face!"

Do religious folks have a sense of humor??
I think it's an age thing more than a religious thing. Some older people tend to seem more religious and seem to have less humor in their life.
Reply:I have seen some religious people here with incredibly good senses of humor, like Ramjet, Uncle Wayne, Bonsai Bobby and others. I love seeing their questions and answers. Other religious people, not so much....
Reply:No. I have absolutely no sense of humor. I was raised with the "Quaker meeting has begun; no more laughing, no more fun. If you dare to crack a smile, you will have to walk a mile" thing. Jesus hated laughter and punishes those who don't.

JUST KIDDING! I am a Christian and I think that my sense of humor is one of the greatest gifts I have. I love to laugh and smile, and so do all my Christian friends. Yeah, like you, I've seen people that claim happiness but they look so down. True, I'm not happy all the time. But I have joy that Jesus has given me (that sounds stupid but it's true!), which pulls me through anything. I LOVE being a Chrisitan and I wish that everyone else could have this joy!
Reply:You're not being nice.

It's not cool to ridicule people.

I have a sense of humor.

I'm happy and lucky because of God.

I think you might try to MAKE them happy. Tell a joke. Give them a compliment. Make their day!
Reply:I'm a christian (14) and everything i say is a joke so i have a huge sense of humor lol
Reply:The Mormons are already scared of me in my neighborhood, so they never look happy when they see my smiling face.
Reply:what.? lol i dont get it.
Reply:most do there may be some that dont but thats the same with non religious too. I know plenty of religious people that love to joke aorund and have fun they are great people.
Reply:Of course religious folks have a sense of humor! I have had the pleasure of attending the sermons of some very humorous pastors--Rev. Lawrence Herbert and Rev. J. D. Phillips in Houston, Texas.

Humor is a great teaching tool, and it's just plain fun. It's also a sign that the person you're talking with has a balanced and relaxed view of religion. The overly intense people should be avoided. Some of them can be dangerous, and they are NOT the mainstream of any religion.
Reply:No it's a sin to laugh and have fun, DEVILS WORK I TELLS YA!
Reply:You have to have a sense of humor, faced with some of the very rude remarks the way.

Who was the shortest man in the Bible?

Answer: Knee-high Miah ( Nehemiah)
Reply:YES! well, I can speak for myself. I am a hyper, smiling, laughing, jovial person (so I am told) There is joy in everything I do. I love to joke and laugh and see others happy, and it is one of my many goals to make everyone I come in contact with happy, if just for a moment.

God has an awesome sense of humor, why shouldn't we?!
Reply:For the most part, no.

What should I add to my grocery list?

I'm talking about things like Banana Nut Ice Cream

Chocolate Pudding


A Family Size bag of Doritos

Lemon Bread

Some cereal, like Apple Jacks, Trix, Lucky Charms?

Spicy instant soup?+++++++++++++++++++++++++

+++++++++++++++++What esle should I add+?

What should I add to my grocery list?
cool whip and strawberries
Reply:Peanut butter and jelly, graham crackers and chocolate bars.
Reply:mm good list! lol. popcorn, mapo-spread(reeeeally good).
Reply:beer and cigs


meat and cheese


paper plates

plastic forks
Reply:peanut butter


Reply:Something to drink



boston cream pie

cheese and crackers


Reply:Rum =]
Reply:dill pickles/ they are great with ice cream
Reply:food for a salad



or those caramel bites from trader joes
Reply:A bottle of wine or champagne if you are with a girl.







Sandwich meat


Milk for your cereal

Frozen dinners
Reply:Rice crisps

Roman noddels

and oreos
Reply:Pasta, fresh veggies,toilet paper.
Reply:If you can, get sushi grade Ahi Tuna. If you can buy "Spicy Tokyo Rub, get it. Pan sear it for 2.75 minutes a side. Not any more. Fire out asparagus and wrap it in sesame oil. Make a salad too. Your going to have a stellar meal.
Reply:bbq pringles

mac and cheese



milky ways

diet coke
Reply:got milk?
Reply:pop, miss vickys kettle chips (regualr flav) garlic and hurb cream cheese ( for dip) cool whip and chocolate chip cookies
Reply:chicken, pork chops, lunch meat, milk, eggs
Reply:paper towels tp comet cleaner windex
Reply:Toilet paper gotta have it
Reply:Oh man.. you need eggs, english muffins, 2% milk, orange juice, corn dogs, maybe pizza? I'd say you need to throw in a cheesecake too, just for good measure. = D
Reply:chicken and Bacardi 151
Reply:I don't see cookies on ur list.

I mean, sure the choc pudding and sweet cereals, but you can't go without cookies!

Reply:Green beans
Reply:Beer and condoms.



Whats your favorite cereal and why?

just woundering. I like honey nut cheereos, honey comb, rice crispies, kix, froot loops, apple dapples, golden puffs, captain crunch, raisin bran, pops, smacks, lucky charms, trix, life, and pretty much all cereals. I am not very picky, I just hate anything that is grape flavor!

Whats your favorite cereal and why?
Chex, because the pieces are big and I can eat them with my fingers. I hate cereal and milk.
Reply:Cinnamon Toast Crunch because it's sweet and cinnamony. Coco Krispies because it's chocolate.

Golden Puffs because it has a nice light crispy/crunchy texture.

Lucky Charms because it has marshmallows.

Raisin Bran because it's good for me and has raisins.
Reply:apple jacks, at the end the powder bits sink in the milk into a sweet liquid
Reply:My favorite Cereal is Oreo O's. Its little cheerio shaped oreos and then marsmallows.
Reply:my favorite cereal would have to be those cookie crisp b/c i am a total cookie holic!!!


2 handfuls of porridge oats

8 dried apricots

6 dried dates

A handful of sultanas

12 cashew nuts

1 eating apple

soya milk

plain soya yoghurt

fresh blueberries

This is best prepared the night before.

Chop all of the dried fruit and cashew nuts into small pieces. Mix them together in a dish with the porridge oats.

Pour over soya milk until the mixture is covered. Peel, core and grate the apple and mix into the muesli mixture.

Cover and refrigerate overnight.

The next morning stir the mixture and add a few spoonfuls of plain soya yoghurt and a handful of blueberries.
Reply:Skinner's Raisin Bran. Only available in the American midwest though. Sigh (as I no longer live in the American midwest).
Reply:Special K Red. I don't feel guilty after eating it!
Reply:Reeses Cup ~ it is so good!!
Reply:I like KIXX!
Reply:I don't know if you want to count this...

McCain's Irish Oatmeal.

I boil the water the night before then add the oatmeal take it off the burner, cover with a lid and leave it for the night.

In the morning I cut up an apple add the chunks to the oatmeal toss in some raisins or dried cranberries and warm it all up. Add some walnut pieces and a bit of brown sugar and whole milk.


I use to love Apple Jacks too! I have not seen them in years. Thought it was because I moved to Canada and they did not have them here. I loved the way they turned the milk pink.

I have been eating it since about 1970, it's good for you (Oats) and less sugar than a lot of others! I LOVE the taste to! :)
Reply:great question!! my top picks are cinnamon toast crunch, cinnamon life, raisin bran, and frosted mini wheats. why? not too sure...they're just good! but i think these are all good cereals even once you let them get soft if you eat them slow lol
Reply:Reeses Puffs because its tasty.
Reply:I think you need to ask that to the person asking (What happened to Smurf Berry Crunch?)!
Reply:Once I began making my own granola, I never looked back. Its crunchy, tasty, and good for you. After a week of home made granola, you'll scoff at Honey Nut Cheerios!
Reply:I used to love Apple Jacks but they do not sell this anymore. I used to love Maple Flakes but it also went off the market...I guess my taste buds are weird...Of the ones you mentioned I like Alpha bits , CAPTAIN CRUCH PEANUT BUTTER YUM YUM EATUM UP.
Reply:My favorite cereal is FROSTED FLAKES, because I adore the taste of it, as well as having to eat it anytime I want during the day.
Reply:Count Chocula

runner up - Smurfberry Crunch(i dont think its sold anymore but it was bangin)
Reply:All Bran because it's crunchy, healthy and has no added sugar

Why do people try to convince u that they are trustworthy?

I met this guy online and I've told him how I feel about men in general. In a nut shell, 95% of men are no good, the good ones are almost taken or gay. Now this guy is 34 and single and I kept asking myself why? If u are such a good man then why hasn't some lucky woman scooped u up yet. There are about 45% good women in the world. This guy has a body to die for and gorgeous eyes. That should have clued me in right then that he is just on the net to see how many females he can use to boost his ego. Anyway he convinced me that he was a good man looking for a good woman but yesterday I stumbled across a website that he frequently uses and he has changed his single status to relationship status. WTF?! I haven't talked to him yet. I just feel a little betrayed off the simple fact that he could have told me he was seriously seeing someone instead acting like he was interested in me. As a woman how would you feel and as a man why would he do something like that?

Why do people try to convince u that they are trustworthy?
Guys are troglodytes till they reach 65...then they are old troglodytes...if you don't know what a troglodyte is...go to Google and look it up
Reply:Girl I smell a Rat! Run like hell!
Reply:Be really careful with good looking people you might meet online, or through MySpace, dating website, etc., especially if they change their availability status, preference for having children, interests, etc. There are a TON of Nigerian scammers out there who steal people's pictures (sometimes from right off of a modeling website) and then contact you, gain your trust, and then ask for money. In the past 6 months, we have caught 5 of these people, both male and female, at work. Who initiated the first contact between you? If it was him, be really, really careful. Some of these scammers work for months and months to gain your confidence. Of course, it may not be a scammer at all, just a jerk, but I'd almost rather think he's a scammer. Be very careful - I hope you find happiness with someone great!
Reply:Actions speak louder than words!! Keep looking!
Reply:you seem leary of alot. were you purposely looking for a guy online,if so why? wouldn't a bar or park or grocery store be

a little more sensible? theres no mention of your age either?

with your opinion of men stated,answer me this, why are YOU still looking if you are so good? personally i don't give a ****

what you think of me,as a guy,as a person. those who give respect get respect is how i am. maybe you should be more direct and to the point with your questioins with guys next time.
Reply:Try meeting people in the flesh, they are less likely to lie.Anyway how do you know the person he's planning on a relationship with is n't you? as you say you have n't spoken to him about it yet.
Reply:People only try to convince you that they are trustworthy when they are trying to swindle or take advantage of you. A person who is truly trustworthy doesn't have to try to get you to trust them. They are honest about their strengths, weaknesses and failures as well as successes. A truly trustworthly person can probably even talk about why they are still single. I mean there are alot of single older guys out there who are diamonds in the rough who haven't been snapped up because for instance - they are still living with mother and going out with her on a weekly basis and mowing her lawn in exchange for laundry services and home cooked meals 3x per day. A truly trustworthy person isn't going to get thrown for a loop if you suggest this could be the reason why they are still single and a truly trustworthy man won't get extremely offended if you feel that they have a big ego. You might also start by recognizing that the very fact that a man is looking for a woman on the internet might tell you that one of the reasons that he's not married is that he is a player and dishonest or has some personal issues with talking with people in person or poor self esteem that causes them to look on the internet rather than get involved in social groups where they can meet single women in person. The truly trustworthy guy will be the one who puts his real albeit not model - photo out there for people to see him like he is. How do you really know what he looks like? Maybe he's already married as well. I'd rather meet a man who put a totally fat and ugly picture on line and then meeting him in person - he was a stud. That would be testing your character and show that he's looking for honesty which is a higher value than looks which would be preferrable to me over being let down by meeting a guy who is not as good looking as he said or appeared on a photo.
Reply:I don,t know!!!


My teachers are my heroes~ care to know why?

When I was in elementary school, I was fortunate to have excellent teachers who taught me how to read, (and I love to read) and proper hygiene %26amp; manners. I had music teachers from 2nd through 8th grade who taught me to love music %26amp; how to sing, (I have a broad interest in music). In 7th grade my geography teacher, who was also a mountain climber and explorer, instilled in me a love for the outdoors and nature (I love to mountain hike). From 2nd grade through 5th, my gym teachers raised my self esteem and self confidence and taught me how to be a better athlete than I already was,(I've always been active in athletics and coaching), and I'm a history nut because my history teachers made learning history fun and interesting. Most of my teachers were very good to me and were good at their job. They had a more profound effect on my life than my own parents. Do you folks feel the same way about your teachers as I, or was I just one of the lucky ones? Feel free 2 thank your teachers here.

My teachers are my heroes~ care to know why?
i want to thank my maths tutor for her great patience and belief in me.

she took great pains to coach me - a super idiot in maths - and i managed to pass within short period of time. i would have flopped my maths and not able to continue my studies, if she did not appear at the right time.

thank you, miss.
Reply:You're lucky... I like one of my teachers, Mr.Cussler... he teaches philosophy and he always relates everything well... he had some bad experiences and doesn't hesitate to tell us not to do what he did. But the rest of my teachers..well... they're paid to be there.. it seems like that's all they care about. Except maybe Mrs. Stopford..she's so into womans rights' and stuff. She rocks!

But I taught myself all those things people taught to you, you're lucky, and it's good that you are interested in so many things :) I hope you go on to do GREAT things with all these skills... Love Always..Mychelle
Reply:u were defiantly one of the lucky ones...good 4 you....and the other kids will be so lucky 2.....
Reply:Absolutely. Mr. Vail of Simi Valley High School boosted my self esteem by teaching me Chemistry - I actually got an "A". Mr. Olsen of Simi valley - same thing. I'd never earned an A+ in history. It was those two experiences that jump started my academic life. I graduated high school with a 3.4... college with a 3.7.. and a masters program with a 4.0. Amazing - I thought I'd never be the person that I am today.
Reply:well most of my life ive been home schooled cuz kids in my town r really really mean and nasty so i will thank my mom and dad 4 teaching me...i guess. and i want to thank miss duran my second 2nd grade teacher. she said i was a very good student and that it would make her job easyer if her students were more like me. and she always made me feel like i was loved in school even if i didnt have that many friends. and yes u were lucky.
Reply:yOU WERE VERY LUCKY. I had a handful of great teachers...the rest ...well. I don't even think they liked kids or their jobs and probably hated all the other teachers (politics you know are everywhere).

If you know someone is involved with a person that is a liar, cheat, violent temper, do you tell them?

This man claims to be kind, gentle, well educated, etc. and is a liar, mean, has a violent temper, committed his first wife to a nut house in Russia, raped a 16 yr old girl... and now has married another innocent woman based on lies. I know what he did to his last wife who was lucky enough to escape him. Do I let this current woman know what she is dealing with?

If you know someone is involved with a person that is a liar, cheat, violent temper, do you tell them?
Tell her, but don't expect it to do much good at first. If she is in love then she will be oblivious to what you say. Why didn't someone warn her before she got married or when she started dating this guy?
Reply:that is a double edged sword, she may hate you for telling her and takes his side, she needs to see some signs, make her beleive she is seeing the signs on her own
Reply:pickabombom is right. get some hard a police report, etc. first. Good luck.
Reply:you can tell her once only...if she does not hear you then maybe she would feel...if she is your friend or your good acquantaince she should believe you...if not then stay out their business and she will eventually find out...hopefully b 4 its not too late.
Reply:Do you have proof? She might listen better if you have some. If she is your friend you should tell her. I lost a good friend by telling her the truth about her boyfriend and later when I ended up being right she had no one to blame but herself. She might not listen to you at first but she will eventualy, and she will be thankfull.

With all the discussion of "disturbed" people doing very deranged things?

to spouses and their children. What is the stupidest, most out of control thing you have ever done over a man?

I hate to admit it, but I was so in "Love" with this control freak, we were arguing going down the road, I just said something stupid to him, opened the car door and jumped out at about 45-50 miles an hour...I was gonna show the

nut wagon and haul my *** away....luckily I only suffered a bad case of asphalt burns, gravel in my skin, and my ego was shot, but I dumped him, got help and that was a turning point in my life...I am just lucky I did not die and leave my baby with no momma...makes me shudder to think about it now...

With all the discussion of "disturbed" people doing very deranged things?
OMG!!That must have been crazy! Glad to see you lived to tell!!

Would you hold on? Would you have faith in his change or use his past against him?is love enough?

I am a 25 yr old mom/2 my husband made a mistake lots of ppl make but he got caught. He recvd a 6 yr sent. for first offence. hes been gone for 3 1/2 years now and im still here for him. I just was curious as to how many would stay and leave. It is rough w/o sex even rougher being lonely but i manage to hold on. And we have a great marraige we both honor and value more than anthg. We have better commun. over the miles then alot of couples who see each other 24 7. Our love grows every day even when we dont talk. we have learned to take nothing for granted b/c you never know when it will be taken from you.I dont know what I would do w/o him. He always reassures me when it gets rough and reminds me of allI have accomplshd. He is in prison and keeps me sane! Even given the situation I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Thats why I wait. I know how wondrfl he is and I have faith in him. Do you thnk u could put a mans past aside and wait 6 yrs for him or do u thnk im nuts?

Would you hold on? Would you have faith in his change or use his past against him?is love enough?
Firstly I admire your strength and believe in your husband and he should be the luckiest man to have you as a wonderful wife.You have given him ample chance and I hope he changes for the better for your sake and the sacrifice you have made.

Since you have decided to wait, wait and once he is out see if things work out and if for whatever reason it doesn't(touch wood) than my suggestion is no more chance to be given.

So be brave and wait......good luck.
Reply:The more people change, the more they stay the same.

Not every one commits felonies.

If your children do what your husband has done is that going to be OK?

Yes, I think you should be exploring your alternatives.... .
Reply:well if you really love him don't care for the past.

it's past and you can't change it it already happened.

i think you still love him because you still keep on waiting for him.

when his back don't focus what happened in the past just think of a better future for the whole family.

good luck....
Reply:it is very clear that you love him so i see nothing wrong with waiting on him it is what you want that is never crazy that is true love
Reply:real good for you if you can do it. and you will both have a good life.
Reply:I admire your loyalty and think your husband is lucky to be loved so much.
Reply:It sounds like you really love him. You didn't tell us what he did to go to prison, so that is the only factor I would worry about. If it was something totally reprehensible and repugnant I would not expect him to change very much.

Prison often makes people "better" criminals, so to speak. He will be different when he gets out. Be prepared for that. Also, you're in for some hard times when he gets out. He'll probably have trouble finding a decent job. Are you prepared to deal with that? These are just some things to consider. I'm not telling you to leave him. Only you can know whether you should or not. God bless you and your children.
Reply:Some people are willing to wait, others won't. This is a question only you can answer.
Reply:Personally, if my bf went to prison, he's on his own. If he knew that he could go to prison for his crime he therefor couldn't love me that much or he wouldn't risk seperating us.

He's the one in prison, I'd see no reason for me to suffer too.
Reply:If the mistake he made wasn't against a person, then I see no reason why you can't remain committed to your marriage.

There are family visits when he gets close to being's called family reunification. Hang in there....if you leave him and by the time he gets out you may not have found a new relationship that is as loving as what you are questioning.

The deal breaker for me would be if he gets in trouble and gets time added to his sentence. He has to make every effort to get home ASAP.

I wish you all the best.
Reply:No one can tell you what is right for you. I would have trouble waiting that long but i might. Stay true to you and what is right for you.

Good luck
Reply:It's clear that you love him. Whether or not to stay with him depends on what he did. Is he ready to tell you he won't do it again and mean it? I say stay for now, but if you see any evidence he is on the same track after he comes out leave him, you have your kids to think about.
Reply:If you love him, anytime is worth the wait. If you are going to use his past against him forever...that will spell trouble.
Reply:you're not nuts,you just have more faith than most would have in their spouse
Reply:He's in jail cuz he 'got caught'. regardless if your relationship is good....he wouldve kept on doing something 'illegal'. He's being 'forced' by PRISON...not by choice to put a past aside.

You dont say what he's done, so, guess you and your kids are proud of him and can wait and hope that his prison time....HE will realize the loss of his family for 6 years. sad
Reply:you have obviously excused him for whatever it was he dis by saying lots of people do it, so putting the past behind you is a non issue since you see nothing wrong with his past.... so the real question could be

If your mate was framed, you would you run?

no I wouldnt I would be there, easy for me to say/think from where I am sitting, hats off to you!..

movie theatre

My teachers are my heroes~ care to know why?

When I was in elementary school, I was fortunate to have excellent teachers who taught me how to read, (and I love to read) and proper hygiene %26amp; manners. I had music teachers from 2nd through 8th grade who taught me to love music %26amp; how to sing, (I have a broad interest in music). In 7th grade my geography teacher, who was also a mountain climber and explorer, instilled in me a love for the outdoors and nature (I love to mountain hike). From 2nd grade through 5th, my gym teachers raised my self esteem and self confidence and taught me how to be a better athlete than I already was,(I've always been active in athletics and coaching), and I'm a history nut because my history teachers made learning history fun and interesting. Most of my teachers were very good to me and were good at their job. They had a more profound effect on my life than my own parents. Do you folks feel the same way about your teachers as I, or was I just one of the lucky ones? Feel free 2 thank your teachers here.

My teachers are my heroes~ care to know why?
I had marvelous teachers too. They opened up a whole new world for me in every subject available. My 4th, 6th and 7th grade teachers are next to me in my best memories from those days.

My father and a few friends became my best teachers of all times, they esposed me to subjects and points of view that molded my way of thinking, my way of living and my way of relating to the world.
Reply:Yes my teachers are heroes too. My 3rd grade teacher loved music and we used to sing sometimes after coming in from lunch recess. My 4th, 5th, and 6th teachers taught me about responsibilty for my studies and though I didn't listen at the time, I'm listening now. I'm studying to become a teacher now and I hope I influence my students lives the way they influenced mine.
Reply:You "Q" is refreshing ! It's been a while since I went to school .

I wasn't as fortunate as you are because I didn't see the importance of school . I always wanted to be a Mom and wife .

Didn't think I had to participate in school for that . I have always been sorry ! My children and Grandchildren are thankfully like you they are excited ti learn . Good luck in everything you do !!!
Reply:all my teachers were jerks. i didn't get a decent teacher until the 12th grade, and he made me realize what a con game it all was.
Reply:I was not lucky to have the kind of teachers you describe.. I had a teacher who hit me when I had an accident as a child after she denied me to go to the restroom...she thought I went to often.. only to find out that the next week they found out the reason I had to go so often and the reason I had the accident was becuase I had to have kidney surgery... my daughter had some bad teachers.. They thought that teaching kids to use profanity was fun... they thought that if you asked a question you were not listening even though most of the kids could not get what they were saying.. Funny the teachers did not care.. it interupted their morning news and coffee... that they are now allowed in the rooms... I could go on... but what I will say.. is out of all the bad ... there was one very good teacher who instilled the love of Math in my daughter.. she is very good at math today.. because Mrs. Randel.. From Hollaway Elementary in Tucson, AZ was one of the best teachers of her time.. funny sometimes there is a light at the end of the rainbow.. sad part.. They will someday lose the Good teachers.. because the pay is low the stress is high and the world has changed.... I hope the people make the decisions in Teachers pay will someday realize that our children are our future.. they need good quality teachers... and some are really out there.. don't lose the good ones.. and add to them.. pay them well.. treat them good.. and reward them when their children learn... That will make them better at the job and our Children and our society will benifit...
Reply:omg that is so cool i have a teacher who is a hero she saves me i acualy have 3 mr.puffys creepy tho haha