Saturday, November 14, 2009

Beanie Babies (prices)?

I am trying to sell these beanies and am not sure what they go for. If I were to sell them on e-bay, how much should I sell the entire package for? Note: they have been in cases ever since I bought them.

rocket the blue jay

scortch the dragon

millenium the bear

mel the koala

pouch the kangaroo

princess the bear

1998 holiday bear

bongo the monkey

doby the doberman

dotty the dalmation

freckles the leopard

nuts the squirrel

pumkin the pumpkin

Valentino the bear

Zero the penguin

Bernie the St. Bernard

ringo the racoon*

sly the fox+

stinky the skunk*

wrinkles the dog*

bones the dog*

hoppity the buny

Inch the worm (2)

inky the octopus*

lucky the ladybug (10 dots) (2)

rover the dog

scottie the terrier

squealer the pig

stripes the tiger*+

waddle the penguin

weenie the dog

ziggy the zebra

zip the cat

lizzy the lizard

spooky the ghost*

derby (w/o star) (2)

mystic (tan horn)

hoot the owl

legs the frog......and more

*= markings on tag

+= no tag

Beanie Babies (prices)?
The best thing to do is look each one up on ebay. The previous answer is correct, most of them second-hand, no matter how well kept, are only worth a few pennies, but you might have something rare. It'll take a bit of work. eg Inch is rare and valuable if it has felt antennae, but with woollen antenae, it's just another beanie.

Hope this helps

Reply:probably only 5 bucks for 10. they dont sell for much. i have a ton 2!
Reply:Check ebay's completed listings.
Reply:try going to to look for the prices on them. Also at book stores they have collectors books and field guides on certain beanies and they show you how much each beanie cost. I can tell you some of them will range from 4.00 to 6.00 and depending on what generation they are it will range from 25.00 to 75.00. . If it is 4th generation beanies it will probably be between 4.00 to the 6.00 range. Double check on the mystic with the tan horn it maybe worth more than the others. But save the royal blue elephant from what I've seen offline and online its worth 2 grand give or take. You may wonder how much i know about it i sell these and other kids toys part time. If you have any other questions just email me at

children shoes

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