Saturday, November 14, 2009

911 an inside job? Have you approached it with an open mind?

read everything you can. don't be detered by the media calling people wacko conspiracy nuts. you must admit that there are a lot of strange facts and coincidences. For the official story to happen the way it did 19 amateurs had to get incredibly lucky and a country with a multibillion dollar intelligence network and defense department had to do all the wrong things. How did building no 7 collapse in 5 seconds when it wasn't even hit by a plane? open your mind to this stuff. Why didn't any of the planes get followed by our air defences? Why did Bush and the students stay in the classroom for another half hour when Bush knew we were under attack? How come they didn't consider the school was a target? Ask yourself some basic questions....Its time for some truth. The plane that hit the pentagon. It it one of the most fortified buildings in the world...why do they not have any other footage of the plane that hit it???? Think about is in the heart of Washington DC ?

911 an inside job? Have you approached it with an open mind?
Yes I've looked and yes I am very tempted to believe that it was all staged from begining to end. They left holes though didn't they I mean mistakes in the execution of the plan - next time they will be better at it. I don't suppose anyone has ever tried to pull off somthing that big before .

As to the wacco title remember "if man was meant to fly he'd have wings" argument ?

Now accept the true meaning of if 9/11 was all staged ....I live beside a super power with a nuclear and bio-chemical arsenal that just murderd 3000 of it's own people to gain a political and economic benifit - They will do anything to anyone - No one is safe and if you get too close to proving what you are saying yu might go from wacco to terrorist in a heart beat and the US government is already moving to eliminate your rights and it has a camp waiting for you that does not apply to the Geneva convention and the administarion is seeking to retro-actively protect CIA and soldiers from abuse charges which means it's never going to surface in the media again Forget about whether it's true or not and concentrate on the reality of your new life if it is true , you live (I assume your American) in a nazis state that has yet to blossom Germany about 1932-35 ......I just live beside you.
Reply:If you really think it was an inside job... Why? What was the motivation behind it, and what was the benefits of it versus the costs? I don't agree with your point of view really, sorry... But I would like to probe your mind on why you think that this would be an inside job, and what they stood to gain out of it?
Reply:Ahh another conspiracy theory. The Towers are still there, the CIA cloaked them using Romulan Technology from the Roswell Crash. That way we could blame Uncle Bin Laden. Happy now?
Reply:the gretest proof is their motive. Bush has propagandised 9/11. He played the American people's feelings and used 9/11 to invade iraq, exposing america to even more terrorism. fear politics.

Oh yeah, the tycoon club who own many "defence" companies and oil conglomorates made a a ridiculous amount of money as well.
Reply:Open mind is one thing. Empty head is another. Here's an example of what you sound like.

I know for a fact that Bill Clinton was the one behind that 9/11 attack. Prove otherwise.

It was planned on his watch.

He and the Ds put a wall between the FBI and CIA preventing the information needed to pass from one to the other.

He and the Ds gutted the US human intelligence operations during the 90s.

The training of pilots happened on his watch.

He turned down OBL's capture several times during his administration.

He did practically nothing to Al Qaeda during his watch.

He was either incompetent or in bed with OBL as well as Monica.
Reply:Not in my opinion and I do have an open mind. I watched Loose Change twice and I was thoroughly convinced that it was an inside job after that. I did my own research by googling both Loose Change and debunking loose change. Dont get me wrong, I still have questions but no, I dont believe it was an inside job.
Reply:It's weird, because I pretty much just started looking into the other theories of 9-11 a couple weeks ago. I did watch Loose Change, some of it made a lot of sense, some of it didn't. A lot of things clicked in my head that didn't happen on 9-11, but could have lead to the events of that day.

For example, look at how Bush got into office in the first place: Gore won the election, but with the controversy in Florida, which happens to be the state Bush's brother was running, Bush managed to get in office. Coupled with the claim that the New American Century, which consists of 16 people in the Bush administration, needed "a new Pearl Harbor" back in 1999. Piece that together, and it's a scary situation.

As far as the events of September 11th, I'm still open for debate. This is what doesn't make sense to me:

*Why did WTC 7 collapse? -If the twin towers truly fell because the fuel from the planes blew off fire protection on the steel, causing the frame to melt, what reason does WTC 7 have for collapsing then? There was no fuel from planes to blow off fire proofing to compromise the steel structure, so someone needs to explain what would bring down a building like that. Regular office fires do not bring down steel structures.

*If flights 77 and 93 didn't really crash, were are the passengers? -If the government did decided to throw a missile or some other plane into the Pentagon, where did flight 93 go? And if 77 never went down in Pennsylvania, where are the passengers? I know that the government could easily "take care" of these people, but why would they want to stage a plane crash and an attack on the Pentagon in the first place? Wouldn't the attacks on the WTC have been enough?

One can easily see what the government stood to gain out of these attacks. And it would not surprise me one bit that the towers were brought down in a controlled demolition, to be able to have the support and freedom to go anywhere in the world and "fight" the "war on terrorism." That is a lot of power, one worth killing a few thousand people for in the eyes of the government. But then again, things could be exactly what they seem...
Reply:Also worth googling: Alex Jones 911 conspiracy.
Reply:I sometimes really wonder what makes conspiracy theorists work. It is not a pursuit of intellectual honesty. But what is it?
Reply:i so agree. i saw a video about that online
Reply:www.imfowars ,many open minds .

this has been examined from all angle ,and includes inside information and witness reports .how can anyone even still doubt the doubt is amazing.
Reply:it may be....but most people are too simple minded to even consider it.
Reply:I suggest you do a little research and find the issue of National Geographic that was dedicated to the spread of terrorist organizations around the went back hundreds of years which made it even more interesting. If you looked at how in the last dozen years of so it has spread quicker and infiltrated every nation on the globe........and seen how they are made of mainly one religious group you might give up your conspiracy theories!

A friends brother was sitting at his desk in the Pentagon talking to a coworker when the coworker suddenly disappeared before his eyes in hail of debris........the floor in front of his desk and a huge office suddenly gone......don't you think with that kind of impact the plane would have practically disintegrated. Have you never seen two cars hit each other at 60 mph? For Gods sakes man, it was a f*cking airplane flying at 400 the f*cking math!!!!
Reply:is that you micheal moore???
Reply:9/11 was done by Crab People.

taste like crab, talk like people.
Reply:When thinking about 9/11 we have to look at the utility of the events. Which entity had most utility. Bin Laden, although a terrorist who has committed atrocities before, is not a fool. Quite to the opposite, he is very intelligent.

What effect would an attack on the world trade center have besides the iconic news and the fame. The effect would be that the U.S. would come after you with everything we have. We have 1.8 million people under arms in all the branches of military. Ask yourself: "Would you commit something where the reaction would be that few million tons of steel are coming at you?" Surely not. Bin Laden knows that his organization is no match for the U.S. military. Although he was happy when he saw the towers fall, i don't think that they were able to pull something like this off. Not some guys sitting in some cave.

Now look at another entity that might have benefited from this. The Bush administration was bland, uneventful, boring and set to fail until the demolition of the World Trade Center. An attack on the building would be a terror attack and the Bush regime finally had a reason to push their goals through. Having the public rallied behind them they could accused and attacked every country they fancied. As well as Wilson with the Lusitania, as well as FDR with Pearl Harbor; 9/11 was Bush's card Blanche to engage in wars.

Here is a quote that sums it up nicely:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

Was 9/11 an inside job? Of course it was. There are too many questions unanswered and the (so called) government does jack to address them. One would ask: "Why doesn't the government answer those question?", and the answer can only be: "Because they would entangle themselves in statements and contradictions out of which they couldn't escape anymore and would be identified as the real criminals."
Reply:Yes, I think there are a lot of weird aspects and no, it won't surprise me in the future if it comes out. All ready some super-religious folks have accepted that Bush did it for the good of us all.

Really getting sick of 'for the good of us all'
Reply:i know it was an inside job, because its me, Elvis Presley sitting here with JFK.........we were together when it happened, yeah thats it, we watched Bill Clinton put the whole plan together with that fat pig Micheal Moore........oh if only i could send my proof to Ann Coulter!! sheesh, conspiracy can't help but love 'em. And did you know the chinese culture believes that Americans talk to much, without saying anything of importance?? Because we like to hear ourselves??

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