Saturday, November 14, 2009

ADD Question??? Please HELP!!!!!?

Well, lucky me, I think I may have a touch of ADHD. I have two cousins who have it rather severely, and an uncle to. I am 23 now, but when I was little I was VERy hyper. In adolescence I lost my hyperactivity and did badly in school because I couldn't concentrate. Literally after 2 minutes I'd tune out no matter how hard I tried.

I was also always restless and often impulsive. Now that I'm in uni (and I got in by the skin of my teeth) we can listen to our lectures online, and the amount of times I need to rewind/ god I just can't focus.

I waste alot of time because I can't concentrate. I have poor listening skills. I find it very hard to organise myself. I get bored fast. I can focus on something for long even if its interesting!! I've always been like this and now it is driving me nuts!!!

ADD Question??? Please HELP!!!!!?
Go to the counseling service on your campus and talk to them.

It's really not possible for us to "diagnose" you over the Internet.
Reply:Learn and practice meditation or self-hypnosis and read about memory or mnemonic techniques, which often include ways of organizing information. There are books on learning to overcome adult ADD and learning organizing skills are important. Meditation of self-hypnosis will teach you to focus and listen better. Write things down. It forces you to use different perceptual modes for remembering things. Practice improves these skills and these a re skills that you will only find more helpful later in life, as we all did. I learned late in life. Remind yourself of this, things will improve if you keep practicing. Good luck.
Reply:Well you either have ADHD or you dont, you can't just have a touch of it!

However, the symptoms you mention sounds very characteristic of it. My son has ADHD minus the 'H' ;-)

I myself have terrible problems with concentrating and following through on tasks. I very much underachieved and I constantly missed things being said. And the disorganisation.. yeah don't let me start on that.

However, despite all this, and my son having ADHD apparently I havent got it! I have been to a psychologist, done personality tests, IQ tests and a full history of my life was made. And they concluded that it was just in my personality.

I guess this little story of my life doesn't help you much, but it maybe worthwhile trying to getting it diagnosed (if indeed it is ADHD) because then they can perscribe medication that will help you with the focusing and stuff.

For me I guess I will just have to be frustrated for the rest of my life.

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