Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why are people so quick to generalize conspiracy theories and calls them nuts?

Is it not true that all throughout history we have had conspiracy's? Have we solved them all? Theories are not a bad thing either, in fact where would since be without them?

We are brought up to believe some Theories as if they were facts. We are also brought up to believe lies and distortions.

For one to claim they do not believe in conspiracy theories is to claim that either humanity is all loving and no one means any bad, or no one is clever enough or lucky enough to be able to catch people who make plans for unethical or immoral purposes.

Why are people so quick to generalize conspiracy theories and calls them nuts?
“People who believe that there is no major world conspiracy which involves a small number of people manipulating humanity through a hierarchical structure of control toward a New World Order, all have one identical factor in common. They have, in actual fact, not looked genuinely into the abundance of well-researched information on world conspiracy to see if there is one!“ ~ David Icke

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." ~ FDR

“History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon." And "History is decided by the winners." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

Call me a Conspiracy Theorist if you call everyone else a Coincidence Theorist. But no, only conspiracies are "theories", well. That and Evolution. If this is Intelligent Design, what is a BAD idea? I keep seeing all these so-called journalists barking at Conspiracy Theorists who think anything the government or the rich do could be less than benign. You might get away with criticizing the government for stupidity or incompetence, but if you even hint at intent or intelligent design on their part, you¹re a Conspiracy Theorist!

Skeptical individuals who refuse to accept the government's version of reality are frequently and popularly demonized throughout the media as crazed "conspiracy theorists." Therefore, these individuals, despite their accurate perceptions and research acuity, not only lack credibility, but are to be scorned by the majority of the programmed population. As soon as the two words "conspiracy" and "theory" are linked in the same sentence, people automatically adopt a critical position. Haven't we been warned by the New World Order's most obedient "public servant" himself?: "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty." ~ Bush

Although referring to nations instead of individuals, Bush said: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." In essence, through subtle insinuation, we either agree with the government's position or we are an enemy. However, the most outrageous, incredulous "conspiracy theories" are those contrived and aggressively propagated by the government. Sadly, these Federal Fairtytales are widely accepted by the majority, even those who consider themselves well-informed and intelligent.

Of course you could just take recent headlines and imagine saying them, say, even a year before they broke in the New York Times or the Washington Post, and who would have believed you then? There you are before 9/11 claiming the President is deliberately manipulating intelligence reports to sell a war with lies. The President has asked the NSA to start wiretapping citizens getting or making calls with someone suspect of being a terrorist abroad, and won¹t reveal the mechanism that allows the NSA to find such people, that's Top Secret.

The President and the intelligence agencies have the names of potential terrorists; they suspect they are "suicide hijackers". They know their method of attack is using planes as weapons and the specific terrorist targets include the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the Capitol, and they have prepared to defend themselves against just such an attack. They have also gotten warnings from past and current National Security Advisors and many foreign intelligence agencies and leaders about the timing and imminence of such attacks.

The President got a clear warning about Osama bin Laden planning attacks inside the US on August 6 and they never warned us. Colin Powell has told all the surrounding countries that the US would invade Afghanistan that October back in July, 2001, before any terrorist attacks have happened.

During the Nuremburg trials, Hermann Göring said, “The common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

I sound like a bulging-eyed slavering conspiracy beast, my grimy broken claws grasping your collar as I wheeze into your ear ~"You HAVE to listen!" The thing is, though, in real fact every sentence above is based on hard truth and people were blowing those whistles even back then. The President's NSA, Pentagon and FBI surveillance implements a complete control of the media policy to keep the truth from outing. These media ties are long standing. David Rockefeller said, “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”

The vast majority of human beings dislike and actually dread all notions with which they are not familiar. Hence it comes about that at their first appearance innovators have generally been persecuted, and always derided as fools and madmen.

There are two ways of looking at history: "the conspiracy theory of history" or "the accidental theory of history." Either circumstances are premeditated and controlled or they are accidental and coincidental. Those who make an effort to critically study history and read the founding documents and evaluate legislative activity, quickly reject the accidental theory of history. Consequently they are frequently ridiculed by uninformed, apathetic, eye-rolling friends and relatives who happily prefer not to acknowledge reality, perhaps supposing superiority over those they deem excessively gullible. Or that somehow, their arrogant ignorance will spare them any calamitous consequences.

Sorry babes, ignorance is NOT always bliss. It takes strength of character to face the sarcasm and denial and nastiness many theorists receive every day, yet still come from enough love and conviction to carry on.

The greater the lie the more easily it is swallowed by the gullible public. The more popular, emotionally comfortable, however preposterous, "accidental theory of history" requires no effort and no responsible, rational response thus allowing individuals to maintain their heads-buried-in-the-sand, sheep-like mentality. Political writer James Baldwin said, "People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction, and anyone who insists on remaining in a state of innocence long after that innocence is dead turns himself into a monster."

This is where the mental manipulation and mind control of a nation and the individuals within it has been shaped into a high art form by the U. S. of A. Between the media, the spin, and education and social conditioning from infancy, how could one expect it to be any other way? Until a few of the sheeple begin to look around and see the wolves slinking in their midst begin to bleat out the truths. The flock prefers to eat grass and ignore the wolves.

Nevertheless, further examination should generate some very conspicuous questions, the first of which might be: why do allegedly well-meaning articulate, intelligent, public servants (AKA: government officials), who supposedly represent America's best interests, make conscious decisions that repetitively produce the exact same horrifically deadly results for America? They are either incredibly stupid, grossly inefficient or they have compromised whatever values and decency they once had and do not represent America's best interests. Look at the evidence!

One would assume, given the law of averages, that we would have a reasonable number of successes. However, the following circumstances greatly suggest that there are numerous, nay an absolute multitude, of freedom-destroying, anti-America coincidences, as follows:

Since the Civil War, the government has unconstitutionally committed citizens to war, some prolonged and catastrophic, all taking life, massive amounts of money, our liberties and most undeclared by Congress. These imperialistic-like wars are associated with control of people and resources. In every case, America thought it came out ahead. We have manned military bases throughout the world. We engage in preventative war ~ the strongest military country in the world starts a war to prevent others from starting a war? The object of war is war! But then you all knew that, didn’t you, boys and girls?

The government has relinquished American troops to serve under the U.N. We allegedly bomb foreigners into democracy for their own good. The government engages in serialized nation building in other countries and furnishes expensive aid to purported enemies via our tax dollars. The government siphons foreign aid dollars from our pockets into the personal pockets of U.S. installed dictators, friendly to big business. The Shah, Saddam, bin Laden, Hitler, the Saudis, and that is just the Middle East for starters!

The CIA (Corporate Interest Agency) aggressively arranges foreign regime changes friendlier to so-called U.S. interests ~ translation: big business. The CIA is a shadow government, the operating arm of the CFR, isolated and immune from any oversight by Congress or the populace. It is Poppa Bush’s baby and has been from the get go. It dictates a substantial portion of this country's foreign, economic and military policy from a place not accessible to the will of a free people properly armed with facts. To be honest, no American would be proud of the CIA if they knew the truths of its activities.

The U.S. government pays an ever-increasing number of private mercenary corporations and multinational military contractors, closely associated friends of the administration, like the Vinnell Corporation, MPRI, DynCorp, Blackwater USA, or Brown and Root (KBR), a spin-off of Halliburton. There are many things that enlisted citizens will not carry out against foreign strangers or American citizens. These troops, mainly the Blackwater Boys, were employed during the aftermath of Katrina as well.

Congress regularly gives themselves healthy pay increases in addition to excessive perks and huge pensions. Public servants ~ hired by the voters! There has been a huge influx of deep-pocketed, successful lobbyists. The Elites escape criminal punishment for a plethora of criminal activities, including sex crimes and fleecing of millions of decent Americans. Regular people are prosecuted and incarcerated for dissent and speaking the truth, politicians go to rehab. The nobility easily arranges the imprisonment of whistleblowers, income tax protestors and other patriots. Public servants apparently have complete contempt for the Constitution despite their pledges to uphold it. Presidents use Executive Orders and Presidential Directives to circumvent the Constitution. FEMA gives selective response to national emergencies ~ 9/11, Katrina.

Do these lines by the glorious leader Bush not make you think again? "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." ~"I do not need to explain why I say things. ~ That's the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."

There are deliberate, documented massive voting irregularities to ensure that the "right" people govern the masses. Jeb Bush had 57,000 voters purged from the roles of certain Florida counties just prior to the 2000 elections. It is history now that the software used to fabricate election results is in common use around the world, courtesy of the CIA. Bush, unrestrained by congress, declared himself to be dictator on May 9, 2007 which gives him the authority to declare any circumstance a national emergency which would enable him to commandeer control of all transportation, communications, food supplies, and to declare Marital Law. Meanwhile, simmering on the surface are the “subtle” cues from media, preparing the populace for another major terrorist attack in the very near future.

Congress gave complete control of all U.S. currency to private banks, namely the Vatican, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. The Federal Reserve, not a part of the government, controls our economy through inflation and deflation and charges us interest to use the worthless, un-backed paper they print whenever public servants regularly overspend the budget for war and projects in an effort to remain popular and stay in power. The federal government unconstitutionally extracts a yearly income tax on YOUR labour to pay the interest on their popularity projects. The government is selling public property ~ U.S. infrastructure, bridges, roads and ports to multinational investors who assume total control. Congress refuses to exercise oversight over the numerous, long-term outrageous overpayments to the government-friendly military/industrial complex.

On February 2, 2007, the government made the following claim: "Today, The Government Released New Jobs Figures ~ 111,000 Jobs Created In January: Since August 2003, more than 7.4 million jobs have been created ~ more jobs than the European Union and Japan combined. Over half a million jobs (513,000) have been added in the past three months alone. Our economy has now added jobs for 41 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains low at 4.6 percent." What jobs ~ working for homeland security or FEMA? The government does not produce anything but a money-guzzling bureaucracy ~ no tangible, marketable product that would generate actual economic growth!

In January 2007 Motorola announced that they were cutting 3500 jobs and then again on May 30, 2007 they announced the cutting of an additional 4000 jobs. On May 31, 2007 Dell announced that they were cutting off 8800 jobs by the end of the year. Due to phony trade agreements, high tech jobs, as well as others, are outsourced while America imports cheap labor disguised as a guest worker program, unsupported by the majority of U.S. citizens. And then there is Walmart with its agenda of destroying the small businessman and ordinary people whilst globalizing their manufacturing division to enhance their profit margin.

Privately owned farms and ranches have been taken over by huge government-friendly corporations who care little about the land or animals under their control. Everything is based on profit. The few remaining independent farmers are routinely restrained by government regulations affecting their control over their own property. In addition many have been sued by huge multinational companies who have inconceivably seized government patents on a gradually diminishing variety of natural products. Each time there is a terrorist attack on the agriculture business (mad cow, e coli, bird flu, etc.) the individual farmer is weakened both financially and in reputation.

Surely chickens from a state farm with greater sanitation is better than a chicken who actually, (shudder) runs around outside and sings to the sunrise! They eat live bugs n stuff!! Gross. The majority of our food is produced and under the control of a few government-friendly multinational corporations. This is a very serious threat for it gives these people control of our food supply. That lovely man, Kissinger said, “Who controls the food controls the people; who controls the power controls nations; who controls money controls the world.” This is serious.

There has been an explosive growth of catastrophic, deadly diseases, treated with equally deadly remedies designed to greatly enhance the bottom line of huge pharmaceutical corporations who just happen to employ successful lobbyists. We have descended into a dependent pill popping society. Profit-producing treatment, therefore increasingly expensive and unavailable to a huge segment of the population, has been touted as the preferred medical methodology instead of natural remedies, including the body's own immune system. In fact our immune systems have been sorely compromised.

There are legal and illegal drugs ~ both frequently produce incredibly similar dependency and reactions. They are both controlled, expensive and purport to be from different sources. Someone is making lots of profit. Despite millions of dollars ostensibly spent on the war on drugs, countless Americans, now in every income bracket, are addicted to illegal drugs ~ many of which flow through our unprotected southern border. Drugged-up, distracted Americans don't demand accountability from, or for that matter even acknowledge, an out-of-control centralized tyrannical government. And again, the CIA is frequently mentioned in these problems, not as the solution but the source of them!

The elite, particularly installed government officials, have no reservations about extracting or using huge profits from the mind altering, stupor-producing drug addictions, self-inflicted or otherwise, of others for their personal fortunes or to enable the CIC to finance covert operations around the world. Some of the biggest eastern establishment fortunes were made during the 1800s opium wars. Drugs produce mega profits, flourish in certain climates, have universal appeal, and facilitate the efficient globalization towards the New World Order. As well the incredible cornucopia of psychological drugs that are quickly enslaving the minds of everyone who has a problem of any sort! Aldous Huxley was quite bang on when he predicted, “

It must be a coincidence that the Senate vote to restore the Patriot Act came the day after they were locked in the basement of a Senate building for three hours because of a sensor alarm indicating a chemical agent attack, right? Coincidentally, on the eve of the initial passage of the Patriot Act envelopes with anthrax arrived in the offices of the two main Senate opponents of that Act and scared the bejesus out of Congress?

The difference between accidental or planned history It¹s about whole ways of looking at the world as benign or malignant. After all, how many coincidences does it take to convince you believe in a conspiracy? (Conspiracy means two or more people engaged in secret plans to do something illegal). Even the left admits there are SOME conspiracies, but they all get exposed and crushed immediately because the people in power HATE them, and someone eventually spills them to the media. So, back to my point, how many coincidences does it take to make a conspiracy? I’ve been collecting them. I haven¹t put enough on the plate yet? OK, here¹s two more. Brother, can you paradigm?

For some naïve people, the world and the government will never be anything but benign at heart, with maybe a few screw-ups by well-intentioned people, but certainly nothing really evil, secret, well-planned and successful. They really believe our “elected officials” are here to help us. That might have been the case in some long ago land, but certainly no such people come to mind for the last while. Someone would talk! Well they ARE! That is how I know about it. Never mind that the good die trying to make change. Goebbels uttered these cold words, “We enter parliament in order to supply ourselves, in the arsenal of democracy, with its own weapons. If democracy is so stupid as to give us free tickets and salaries for this bear's work that is its affair. We do not come as friends, or even as neutrals. We come as enemies. As the wolf bursts into the flock, so we come.”

Conspiracy operates by way of a hidden, mystic hand. Some people can’t look at a tree, for fear of missing THE FOREST. Meanwhile, theorists, those without a personal agenda to prove, impartially study the trees, their branches, even their entwined roots, they make up THE FOREST. Ishmael Reed says in Mumbo Jumbo, "The real history of the world is a history of competing conspiracies."

We seem to have no problem compiling REAL coincidences when it comes to prejudices against groups we dislike and disdain, or are taught to hate. They can be ascribed malign intent in a nanosecond. “THOSE PEOPLE!” So, the powerless are really evil and the powerful are benign? In fact, we make excuses for them all the time. The Vietnam war was just a policy mistake; the war on Iraq ~ misguided but in the end worth it; the use of 9/11 to gut the Constitution and create a dual-legal system is just overreaching in a crisis. They didn't really mean it. They have only our best interests at heart!

How many genocides does it take to make a fascist? How many war lies to make a dictator? How much theft to make a Senator? How much bad result does it take to suggest a bad intent? Is it that if they did mean it, we’re REALLY in trouble and have to act? How many distortions did it take to erase History? George Orwell said, “Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them. There is almost no kind of outrage~~torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, the bombing of civilians~~which does not change its moral color when it is committed by our side. The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”

How many conspiracies did it take to make you believe in coincidence?

The political paralysis in America is based on the fact that we are allowed to BELIEVE anything but to KNOW nothing. Belief is the easiest of all methods aimed at finding the TRUTH, it takes almost no work and lots of prejudice. "I have a right to my opinion" now replaces the necessity to inform that opinion. Intellectual debate and growth are reduced to one single word now ~ "Whatever!" Post-literate, post historical, post-logical, post-methodical, we are a nation of BELIEVERS. On a common sense, universal scale, wearing such blinders makes us THEORISTS look rational.

Try to get your head around this profound insight of Thomas Merton in 1936, the same year the revelation but not the light was coming to Herr Goering: "If America fights Hitler, it will become Hitler." Whatever could he have meant? He must have been a Conspiracy Theorist, way back then.
Reply:It depends on the conspiracy. I have found that many conspiracies use partial truths or spin the truth to make what they say 'sound' like something is going on. I stopped believing in conspiracies when I was able to convince my friends that Bush wasn't doing anything about Dihydrogen monoxide, a 'very' dangerous substance, (actually its water). Check out www.dhmo.org a very good site listing the dangers of water, they don't lie, just tell the truth so you believe it their way. Conspiracy theorists do this very well, they also don't like it when you question their 'findings'.
Reply:Of course there are conspiracies in history. Even though its tough to prove exactly what happened to JFK, I believe there could be something to the conspiracy to kill him. Now 9/11, I really can't buy that one at all. I believe that that one is completely fueled by a hatred for Bush and nothing else.
Reply:It's true.
Reply:My only experience with such is that I was an eye witness to the JFK assassination. I know what I heard and I know what I saw (from an very good vantage point). Yet some of the "theories" are amazing and simply can't be true based upon my own observations. Oswald, acting alone, on that day fired three shots from the Texas School Book Depository and killed Kennedy (period). Was there a conspiracy? I don't know, but if there was it was either before or after the fact - not during. There were not multiple shooters and there is no credible evidence that there was. Yet, it goes on and on. Factual conspiracies have happened and continue to, but largely I think such "theories" are born more out of the desire to lay blame where it doesn't belong or to blame those who are not responsible. i.e., Hillary's "Vast right wing conspiracy," etc.
Reply:The answer lies within the question itself. Conspiracy "theories." Theories by definition are just hypotheticals. They sound scientific and Americans aren't educated in science so everyone distrusts it. So if you want to go around talking about theories, get ready for some heat.
Reply:, they are anti-Americans , that people have a hidden agenda, they control Bush
Reply:Conspiracy theories are easy answers to difficult questions.
Reply:Remember Bill and Monaca? And then Hillary said it was a "vast right-wing conspiracy"? Well?
Reply:Because if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a tin-foil-hat wearing nutjob moonbat.

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