Saturday, November 14, 2009

LOCKER DECOR? Please help!!!?

okay let me just tell ya something. I'm a happy-go lucky totally fun person. I love bright colors and the color pink. I love to be different and funky and crazy and have fun doing it.

So the point of me having a BLANK thats right BLANK locker is weighing on me. I can't stand it!!!!!! I need some sort of glitter, or fuzz, or color because i'll go nuts if i have to look at gray walls all year. I know, i sound like a complete freak, but whatever. Thats just who i am. I NEED some kind of fun colors or accessories to fit my personlaity ya know?

So please, if you have any way whatsoever that i can make my (very small) locker totally beautiful, please speak it. Idc what it is. different is okay, so feel free to be creative and original. THANKS!!!

LOCKER DECOR? Please help!!!?
kinda strange your asking this at the end of the year, but sure...

you could try coloring stuff and putting it on the walls. mirrors are great, with a cool border. colorful locker shelves help... and magnets. lots and LOTS of magnets!
Reply:make magnets by cutting out images from magazines, etc.

attach colorful construction paper frames to photos
Reply:I cant tell you waht to put on your locker! Maybe just some posters. you should put anything you liek. PIctures of your friends, posters, phone holder, mirrors, ribbons, etc, etc.
Reply:Pottery Barn Teen has always had some cute locker stuff, I can't find any online but I've seen a lot of stuff in their catalog.

Here's some links to accessories for your locker:

%26amp; a guide on how to personalize your locker:
Reply:i think it is best to keep it plain but if you want to decorate it go to michals they have tons of stuff you can use to decorate your locker.
Reply:OMG i have the exact same problem!! I love pink also :]. Okay, so what i did in my locker (which was totally boring..UGH!) is that i took some hot pink wrapping paper and decorated the inside of my locker. I pasted ribbons and bows and pictures of my friends, family and my dogs. It looked really pretty.

You could also tape some flowers and pictures in the whole locker and put a mirror in the back and make sort of a beauty salon looking thing. I got a mirror that has a light on it from Target. It may be hard to find things because it is the end of the year. If you want glitter, then buy some sparkly wrapping paper and cut it into shapes and paste them all in the locker.

Good luck! Have a good day :]
Reply:Well when I was in High School. We're talking 1985-88 here.

We used to use cardboard, and cut it out the exact same size as the inside of the door, walls, ceiling, etc... and then spend good quality time at home constructing a set of inserts, and pre-assembling them like a diorama to make sure it looked cool, before inserting it into your locker.

Most of cheerleaders would cover the cardboard in school colors, and then glue or tape pictures of the cute guys, and/or boyfriends to the panels. Favorite bands, like Duran Duran, Wham (HEY, I said it was 85-88) Paul Young, etc... Mostly cut from Teen Beat Magazines and so forth.

The Jocks would have the cheerleaders do the basic school colors on the walls and ceiling, but then tape up pictures of Joe Montana, or Michael Jordan, etc...

The Metal Heads would shear out pages of Guitar and Circus, and plaster shots of Blackie Lawless, Iron Maiden, Tesla, Metallica, Megadeth, etc.. Also, plenty of chains and barbed wire graphics, with as many skulls as they could fit in between the pics.

There were a few really artistic people in Art Club who did things like cover their panels with Crimson Velvet and Gold Rope, with some wicked Dungeons and Dragons type stuff.

Another one, was basic white paper panels that had been airbrushed with these awesome images of the guy's Katana motorcycle.

Anyway, once you get your panels done, you insert them in the locker. If you cut them right, you don't even have to tape them in place. The other benefit of doing the panels, rather than the actual locker walls, is this... if you screw up, no one sees it. You can start over, or if the idea doesn't look as cool as you imagined it, you can change to something else, and no one will know either.

Additionally, the use of cardboard panels is NOT just to keep from having a jerk vice-principal accuse you of vandalizing school property, it is AWESOME for use as a bulletin board. You can't stick pushpins into steel locker walls. The sticky on a Post-It doesn't last forever.

That may seem really lame to today's students, but then you guys have been copying OLD fashions and stuff for the last couple of years now. Hip huggers, bell bottoms, EMBROIDERY on jeans, and the pinnacle..... ripped knees?? WE invented that fashion Thank You Very Much!! ROTFL.

What OLD is NEW again. LOL.
Reply:Go to a craft or scrapbooking store and buy paper. Cut them into funky shapes and put them in your locker. Also, make your own funky frames out of popsicle sticks and decorate them. I also can't stand a blank locker!
Reply:well it has been years since I had a locker but you can decorate it with a nice frame with magnetic strip on the back. or what i used to do find some cool wrapping paper that you like and line the inside of it. If I remember correctly I used to have a friend that put up a hole bunch of pictures all over the inside of the locker. Well Good Luck and Keep that great attitude of yours
Reply:Get one of those little magnetic locker mirrors except add a frame and you know glitter it up! Just get your glue and sparkles and decorate. Oh you know those bead curtains you hang on your door? Maybe you can do something like that for your locker. Good luck!

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