Tuesday, April 28, 2009

If Bush proposed an end to term limits and took steps to stay in the whitehouse would the left go Nuts?

And now that Chavez is doing it will the left finally stop embracing him and cuddling him every time they get a chance? Wheres Penn now? Does he have anything to say about his buddy undoing democracy in his country. Is this proof the left wants to rid America of the inconvenience of democracy? They have said publicly he is a great man and they would rather live under his leadership than the elected leadership of the US. If thats true why dont they pull all thier money out of the safety of Americas capitalist banking system and move it into Chavez banks. I would love to see what he would do with all that money. Build himself another palace and if Penn was lucky he could be the gardener. Anyone else have any thoughts on this great letist icon.

If Bush proposed an end to term limits and took steps to stay in the whitehouse would the left go Nuts?
I understand Cindy Sheehan still has his picture on her pillow every night.

Seriously, if anyone still thinks this loon is Pro-democracy, they need to have their heads examined!
Reply:The left already ARE nuts because they already believe that Bush will declare martial law and extend his stay in the White House indefinately.
Reply:Probably. But Bush is a Republican, hence anathema, while Chavez hates the US, so is a hero.
Reply:HELL YES!!! not another 4 years with him!!!!!
Reply:The left has always been nuts.
Reply:I dont think it would just be the left I think pretty much everyone would be upset -
Reply:your commentary is absolutely correct. To answer this most excellent question let me divide my answer. This answer is to the concept of living under chavez rule.

1. The Left wouldn't go nuts because they have such a hatred of Bush they consider anyone better than him. This kind of thinking proves their irrationality in thier thought processes. What it proves is they are people who know little "facts" but study propoganda and will believe what the left tells them

2. They wouldn't go nuts because chavez hates America.

the cornerstone of all radical left movements. To see America a nation not designed for socialism and the like be turned into that is what the left long for

3. To answer the first part. Yes they the left would go nuts if bush did it. But thats only cause he is conservative let a lefto nut like chavez do this and he is a patriot to them

they do need to move their arses on down to chavez land

let them see the socialism fate
Reply:You know there is a different set of standards for conservatives and leftist worldwide. If Bush were to do this there would be worldwide condemnation.

But the British left wing rag The Guardian could not wait to be Chavez' apologist.

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